Perhaps no cocktail has as much mystique, lore and confusion about it as the Singapore Sling...
First served to the world from what was once a far-off land,
the Singapore Sling’s name immediately conjurors up images of a romanticized
time when writers, politicians, tycoons and socialites would gather to cool off
with a long, cold, tropical concoction. Today, the name will often conjuror up
looks of confusion from your average bartender as they go in search of that one
ingredient… that one ingredient which they can’t quite put their finger
one…that one ingredient which seems to be missing from the bar and so the drink
cannot, unfortunately, be prepared.
Just about every drop of this cocktail is up for debate
including its name, exact date of inception, and most especially its recipe. We
have just a few facts to cling to and yet, for not completely fully knowing how
this cocktail should be made, it remains an enduring classic. But perhaps,
oddly enough, it is the lore and mystery rather than its precise balance and
consistency that make the Singapore Sling so legendary.
In his 1948 “The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks”, David Embry
writes of the Singapore Sling, “Of all the recipes published for this drink, I
have never seen any two that were alike. Essentially it is a Gin Sling with the
addition of cherry brandy.”
Named after Lieutenant-Governor Stamford Raffles, who
decades earlier decided the mostly ignored island of Singapore would make a
perfect port for Britain to better gain control of Asian trade routes, The
Raffels Hotel was a legend in its own time. Completed in 1887, it was most
famous for accepting guests of any race. A temporary home to journalists,
novelists, royals, adventurers, and tourists, stories of the hotel quickly
spread throughout the world. These stories, as stories often do, included some
tales of drinking at the hotel’s Long Bar. So, luckily, mentions of the
cocktails from the Raffles Hotel do have literary mention, unfortunately they
are not always consistent.
The “facts” which are, for the most, agreed upon are that
the drink was invented by barman Ngiam Tong Boon around 1915 at the legendary
Long Bar within the famous Raffels Hotel. Yet now, that excepted date is even
in question as 1910 and 1913 keep popping up. Drink historian David Wondrich
has pulled up evidence of “slings” mentioned as early as 1897 and a 1903
reference to “pink Slings for White People”. At least with this note, there is
recognition of color – pink - or pinkish at least.
The Raffels admits that the exact recipe was lost very soon
after its inception. So the recipe was lost, gone for good, forever.
Writings pop-up from the first half of the Twentieth Century
with references to a long or tall drink with gin, cherry brandy, citrus, biters
and on occasion there is reference to the herbal French liqueur Benedictine.
Even with that frame-work for the cocktail, there is disagreement on the exact
measurements and even its exact name as it comes up as the Straits Sling and Raffles Sling along with the Singapore Sling, which probably caught on for the allure of its
exotic name and the ease of alliteration.
The commonalities which appear would make this cocktail a
Gin Sling – Gin, Lemon, Sugar, Bitters and Soda – with cherry brandy added. And
this cherry brandy would almost certainly have been Peter F. Heering Cherry
Liqueur, which was widely shipped around the world during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Yet the widely accepted version, and the one served today at
the Raffles, contains grenadine and pineapple, neither of these ingredients
appears in any tidbits of writing. So why the confusion? Well, the Sling was not the only famous
cocktail created by Mr. Boon at the Long Bar. His other gift to the cocktail
world was the Million Dollar cocktail. Another gin based cocktail, this one containing
sweet vermouth and egg white along with pineapple and grenadine. As recipes
were lost and as memories attempted to piece them back together, the blending
of the two recipes was entirely possible.
Today, tourists still visit the Long Bar at the Raffles in
search of that legendary concoction which the hotel serves thousands of each
The hotel’s official recipe is:
Official Raffles Hotel Singapore Sling Recipe
30 ml (1 oz) Gordon's gin
15 ml (1/2 oz) Heering Cherry Liqueur
120 ml (4 oz) pineapple juice
15 ml (1/2 oz) lime juice
7.5 ml (1/4 oz) Cointreau
7.5 ml (1/4 oz) DOM Benedictine
10 ml (1/3 oz) grenadine
A dash of Angostura Bitters
Garnish with a slice of pineapple and cherry.
Note: At the Raffles Hotel, the gin used is Gordon's, the
cherry brandy is Cherry
Heering, and the grenadine is Bols.
Something a bit more striped-down and closer to the original Straits Sling would be:
Something a bit more striped-down and closer to the original Straits Sling would be:
2 oz Gin
½ oz of
½ oz of Cherry Heering
¾ oz Lemon Juice
2 dashes of Orange Bitters,
2 dashes of Angostura Bitters
Shake with ice and strain into a fizz glass, add 2 oz
chilled soda water and two pieces of ice.
So in the case of the Singapore Sling, the usual, is a bit